

Deviation Actions

enistoja's avatar

Literature Text

Sí, aquí estoy       
Yes, I am here
O no?                
Or am I not?
Todo alreadedor de mí gira, se revuelve en un elíxir puro de caos y sentimientos que me embriaga de vida
Everything around me spins around, mixes into an elixir of pure chaos and feelings which makes me drunk with life
A pesar de que todo simplemente regresa a su origen, a pesar de los ganchos y flechas que me jalan de regreso a esta silla, soy libre
Despite the fact everything simply returns to its origin, despite the hooks and arrows pulling my back to this chair, I'm free
Libre para creer, para arreglar el mundo.
Free to believe, to change the world
Mi amigo, otro inmortal, dice que es imposible
My friend, another immortal, says it's impossible
Dice que no se puede cambiar
Says it can't be changed
Yo digo que es posible, solo que no hemos intentado lo suficiente
I say it's possible, it's just that we haven't tried hard enough
Mi amigo, un simbolo por si mismo, dice que es la deevolución
My friend, a symbol on his own, says it's deevolution
Yo pienso que es el caos, los instintos más basicos de supervivencia reclamando su lugar en el mundo
I says it's chaos, the most basic survival instincts reclaiming their place in the world
Madre Tierra nos llama, nos pide regresar
Mother Earth calls us, begs us to return
Pero, ¿Acaso escuchamos sus llamadas, sus súplicas, su llanto incesante, el grito desgarrador que profiere a cada paso que damos hacia nuestra destrucción?
But, do we even listen to her calls, her begs, her never-ending weep, the tearing cry that resounds for every step we take towards our doom?
Creeme, algunos lo escuchamos. Sentimos el llanto de Madre Tierra, el dolor de Padre Sol, y la soledad de Madre Luna
Trust me, some of us listen. We feel the cry of Mother Earth, the pain of Father Sun, and the solitude of Mother Moon
Yo no me he rendido
I haven't given up
Sé que podemos salir de el hoyo, se que podemos escapar de este destino lúgubre que parece venir a nosotros, en lugar de ser al revés
I know we can make it out of the hole, I know we can escape this gloomy fate that seems to come to us, instead of it being the other way around
Siento los ganchos en mi ser ponerse al rojo vivo, siento las flechas penetrar más en mi carne, pero no he de callar
I feel the hooks in my being turn red-hot, I feel the arrows delving deeper into my flesh, but I must not be silent
Si no hablamos, si no osamos levantarnos y dar voces, llamar a las armas contra el mal, habrá ganado
If we not speak, if we don't dare get up and call out, summon our weapons against evil, it will have won
Nuestro corazón, nuestra fuerza ha de hacerle frente
Our heart, our strength must stand against it
El lince ayuda, siempre lo ha hecho. El lobo aulla llamando a su manada.
The linx helps, it always has. The wolf howls calling forth its pack.
El amante de la Luna continúa escribiendo. El guerrero de armadura negra niega sus orígenes y pelea de nuestro lado
The lover of the Moon keeps on writing. The warrior of dark armor denies his origins and fights along our side
La magia, dormida desde hace tiempo, se levanta con forma humana portando un escudo brillante como el Sol
Magic, dormant for so long, rises in a human shape bearing a shield bright as the sun
Las hijas de la música levantan el rostro, escuchan y se preparan para defender su origen
Daughters of music lift their gaze, listen and get ready to defend their origins
Sin importar dónde estemos, quienes seamos, que seamos, tenemos que defender nuestro hogar, Madre Tierra
Regardless of where we are, who we are, what we are, we have to defend our home, Mother Earth
Unidos, contra ella que nos detiene, nos impide actuar, nos sume en un letargo, un estado de vigilia en el cual no podemos hacer nada...
United, against her who stops us, keeps us from acting, makes us sleep, fall into an aware state in which we're unable to do a thing...
With me
With me
With me
Hay que tener esperanza
We have to have hope

Siento una cuerda al cuello. Una respiración pesada, herida, a mi lado. ¿Eres tú, mi amada enemiga, hermosa oscuridad que me asecha desde que empecé a desear?
I feel a rope against my neck. Heavy breathing, hurt, beside me. Is it you, my beloved enemy, beautiful darkness stalking me since I began wishing?
Ah, sonries. Crees que has ganado, ¿no? Pues te equivocas
Ah, you smile. You think you've won, right? Well, you're wrong
Soy inmortal, mis ideas han de vivir a través de los demás
I'm immortal, my ideas will live on through others
Y mientras tenga mundos que tocar, corazones que mover, redes que arrancar, no tengo permitido morir
And as long as I've got worlds to touch, hearts to move, webs to tear, I'm not allowed to die
Intenta, sigue intentando, pero mis palabras están siendo escuchadas
Try, keep on trying, yet my words are being heard
Si terminas conmigo, seré un martir, un bastión de esperanza que trataste de destruir pero permaneció indemne
If you finish me, I'll be a martir, a beacon of hope you tried to destroy but remained unscathed
Seguiré en mi camino, seguiré ayudando, seguiré salvando
I'll remain on my path, I'll keep helping, I'll keep saving
Y ni tú, ni nadie podrá detenerme
And not you nor anyone else will stop me
Como una roca cayendo por la ladera, no puedo ser detenido, ni mi mensaje
Like a rock down a hill, I cannot be stopped, nor my message
Pronto, el mundo se levantará
Soon, the world will stand up
Y se moverá para detenerte
And it will move to stop you
¿O estoy mal?
Or am I wrong?

(when the world seems to be getting towards its darkest hour, light keeps getting brighter and brighter. Let me write for as long as I can
Lessee if you can notice all the people I mentioned here >:3)
© 2009 - 2024 enistoja
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doomendookusai's avatar
This reminded me of a japanese drama that I am currently watching.
A 13 year old student dies at school and the school claims that was just an accident. However, The couse of her death might be bullying at that school. Well... when you look at it this way it has nothing in common... But the students eventhough so young are very interesting.
The girl who died asked her teacher 'can one change the world?' He wasn't able to answer...
hm... so ...
At last, I think one person is able to change the world...